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Movement Monday: Unravelling the Pilates Control Balance

Malcolm masterfully executing the Control Balance, a testament to the power of mindful weight distribution between head and shoulders, against the backdrop of tranquil studio lightsMalcolm masterfully executing the Control Balance, a testament to the power of mindful weight distribution between head and shoulders, against the backdrop of tranquil studio lightsMalcolm masterfully executing the Control Balance, a testament to the power of mindful weight distribution between head and shoulders, against the backdrop of tranquil studio lightsMalcolm masterfully executing the Control Balance, a testament to the power of mindful weight distribution between head and shoulders, against the backdrop of tranquil studio lightsMalcolm masterfully executing the Control Balance, a testament to the power of mindful weight distribution between head and shoulders, against the backdrop of tranquil studio lights
Malcolm achieving perfect harmony in the Control Balance, demonstrating exceptional core strength and flexibility atop a serene studio setting

Happy Movement Monday to all our dedicated Pilates teachers across the UK and beyond! Today, we delve into one of Joseph Pilates' most challenging yet rewarding movements within his repertoire of 34 exercises: the Control Balance. This movement is not just a test of physical prowess but a beautiful symphony of strength, flexibility, and, most importantly, control.

The Essence of the Pilates Control Balance

At its core, the Control Balance is a testament to the equilibrium between an active core and flexibility. Unlike some exercises that may push us towards tension, the Control Balance challenges us to find a harmonious balance that feels challenging yet not stressful. The variations in its execution, such as maintaining the head either lifted or down on the mat, add layers of complexity to this already intricate movement. Elevating the head and balancing on the shoulders, for instance, increases the difficulty, requiring a heightened sense of body awareness and control.

Anatomy Behind the Movement

Understanding the anatomy involved in the Control Balance is crucial for both teachers and practitioners. This movement engages a comprehensive range of muscles, with a particular focus on the core stabilisers, including the transversus abdominis, obliques, and the rectus abdominis. These muscles work in concert to maintain the pelvis and spine in a controlled, neutral position while the body balances on the shoulders.

Moreover, the Control Balance calls upon the strength and flexibility of the back muscles, including the erector spinae, to support the spine's extension. The shoulders and arms are not mere spectators in this movement; the deltoids, trapezius, and the rotator cuff muscles actively participate in stabilising the shoulders and maintaining the position of the arms, thus contributing to the overall balance.

The action of one leg dropping towards the body while the other extends into the air further engages the hip flexors and extensors, highlighting the need for flexibility in the hamstrings and hip joints. This dynamic action not only tests the limits of our flexibility but also our ability to maintain control over our movements, ensuring that each motion is deliberate and balanced.

Holding the Position: A Balancing Act

Achieving and holding the Control Balance position is a testament to one's mastery over their body. It requires a deep understanding of one's own physical capabilities, limitations, and the interplay between muscle strength and flexibility. Pilates teachers should guide their students to approach this movement with patience and mindfulness, encouraging them to listen to their bodies and adjust the intensity of the exercise accordingly.


The Control Balance is more than just a physical challenge; it is a journey towards understanding and harmonising with our bodies. As Pilates teachers, our role is to facilitate this journey, providing the guidance and support needed to explore these movements safely and effectively. Let's embrace the Control Balance as an opportunity to deepen our practice, challenge our capabilities, and celebrate the incredible versatility and strength of the human body.

Remember, every Movement Monday is a chance to explore new dimensions of our practice and to grow both as teachers and practitioners. Let's continue to inspire and be inspired by the transformative power of Pilates.

Happy teaching, and until next Monday, may your practice be strong, balanced, and controlled.


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