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Pilates Soulful Sunday: Are We Too Set in Our Ways?

Openness to growth and flexibility, a quiet moment of reflection by the vast ocean.
Embrace change and reflect on new possibilities, both mentally and physically, like the horizon.

As we get older, we often find ourselves settling into familiar patterns. We know what we like, what we enjoy doing, and even what we prefer to eat. It’s part of the comfort that comes with age—knowing ourselves better. But with that familiarity, there’s also the risk of becoming a bit too fixed in our ways. It’s not just about physical flexibility, but mental and emotional flexibility too.

There’s a phrase that comes to mind: “Those that cannot change their minds cannot change anything.” It holds true not only for our clients but for ourselves as teachers. As Pilates teachers, we are constantly helping people to unlock physical potential, but what about the mental side? Have we, ourselves, become too rigid in our own opinions or approaches? Do we, perhaps, dismiss certain exercises or techniques because we’ve already decided what works and what doesn’t?

Friday’s blog touched on the idea that there’s no age limit to improving your fitness, no point at which it’s too late to build muscle mass. The same could be said for the mind. No matter our age, we have the ability to open ourselves up to new experiences, to challenge old opinions, and to be more mindful of other people's perspectives.

Today, I encourage you to take a moment to reflect. Nothing is inherently right or wrong—just consider whether being too set in your ways is limiting what could be a whole range of experiences ahead. And as you reflect on yourself, also think about your clients.

When we meet resistance in class, it’s not always just about tight hamstrings or stiff spines. Sometimes the barrier is mental—a fixed mindset or a reluctance to try something new. In these moments, it can help to take a breath, smile, and simply see what’s possible. How can we guide our clients not only to move better physically but to challenge their own mental boundaries? Perhaps today is the day they’ll surprise themselves.

So, as we move into the week ahead, let’s not just stretch our bodies, but our minds as well. Whether it's us or our clients, we all have the potential to unlock something new.

Reflect, Re-evaluate, and Embrace Possibility.

Have a mindful and soulful Sunday!

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