As we come to the end of one week and prepare to begin a new one, Soulful Sunday gives us the space to reflect. Today, I want to talk about music.
Music has always been important to me. It is a constant companion, a mood setter, a source of energy, and a form of deep connection. I always laugh when people ask me what my favourite type of music is because the answer is simple, almost everything. Some genres, like rap and heavy metal, are not my go-to, but in between, there is so much richness.
And then, there are those moments when a song just hits you. Last night, as I was scrolling through my phone, I noticed the remastered version of The Sound of Silence appearing regularly on social media. It made me pause. Sometimes, a melody is so dominant that we forget to really listen to the lyrics. But this song is one of those rare ones where the words hold immense power.
Pilates & The Power of the Words
"Hello darkness, my old friendI've come to talk with you again..."
The opening line sets the tone instantly. It speaks of solitude, but not in a fearful way. Darkness is not the enemy here. It is familiar, something to sit with, something to listen to.
"Because a vision softly creepingLeft its seeds while I was sleepingAnd the vision that was planted in my brain Still remains Within the sound of silence..."
There is something hauntingly beautiful about this. It speaks of ideas and thoughts that form in the quiet, of moments when the world is still, and something deep within us stirs.
"In restless dreams I walked alone, Narrow streets of cobblestone..."
The imagery here is powerful. How often do we feel like we are walking alone, lost in our own thoughts, searching for something?
"People talking without speaking People hearing without listening..."
These words resonate deeply. In a world filled with noise, how often do we truly listen? Pilates is about awareness, connection, and presence. It teaches us to tune in, to listen, not just to instructions but to our own bodies, our breath, and the spaces in between movement.
Silence can be powerful. It can be a space of reflection, of realisation, of deeper understanding. Just as music moves us, so can stillness.
As we step into a new week, let’s embrace both. The sounds that lift us, the silences that teach us, and the moments in between that remind us to be present.
Listen to the song Click Here