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Technique Thursday: Promoting the Full Traditional Pilates Studio Experience

Unlock Greater Flexibility and Strength with Comprehensive Pilates Equipment
Experience the Full Potential of Pilates in a Traditional Studio Setting

Hello Pilates teachers,

Today on Technique Thursday, I want to address a topic that has been coming up quite frequently in my conversations: opening a new Pilates studio. It's fantastic to see so many enthusiastic individuals looking to start their own studios. More quality studios mean more people experiencing the benefits of Pilates.

When discussing your new studio, it’s important to consider the kind of environment you want to create. While group Reformer studios are very popular and in high demand, there’s a significant value in offering a more traditional Pilates studio.

A traditional studio includes not only Reformers but also Cadillacs, Ladder Barrels, Wunda Chairs, and Spine Correctors. This diversity allows for a broader range of exercises and the ability to adapt the method to meet the individual needs of each client. It’s crucial to highlight this aspect when promoting your studio.

Explaining the Benefits of a Pilates Traditional Studio

When engaging in conversations about your studio, especially with potential clients, it’s essential to focus on what they will gain from a full traditional Pilates experience:

  1. Variety and Adaptability: A traditional studio offers a wide range of exercises. This variety means you can tailor sessions to fit each client’s specific needs, which is especially important for those with different postures or conditions. In a group Reformer setting, it can be challenging to give individualised attention. A traditional setup allows you to adapt the method more flexibly.

  2. Enhanced Client Experience: From the client’s perspective, a full traditional studio provides a richer and more personalised experience. While group Reformer classes are fun and motivational, they may not always address the specific needs of every individual in the class. In a traditional studio, clients can experience the full breadth of Pilates, improving their overall practice and addressing particular areas of concern.

  3. System Integration: Joseph Pilates designed his equipment to support and enhance mat work. When promoting your studio, emphasise that it’s about working with the entire system. For example, if a client struggles with roll-ups due to spinal flexibility, the Reformer can help them develop the necessary strength and mobility. All the apparatuses work together to improve the mat work, making it an integral part of the overall Pilates experience.

Practical Tips for Promoting Your Studio

  • Highlight the System: Make it clear that your studio offers more than just group Reformer classes. Explain how the full range of apparatus can benefit clients and help them achieve their fitness goals.

  • Client-Centric Approach: Always frame your conversation from the client’s perspective. Discuss how the variety of equipment can cater to their unique needs and enhance their Pilates journey.

  • Layout and Equipment Versatility: Consider the layout of your studio. If space is limited, think about incorporating towers on your Reformers or using mat converters. This versatility can maximise the use of space and provide more exercise options.

In summary, while group Reformer studios are undoubtedly popular and bring great energy to sessions, a traditional Pilates studio offers a more comprehensive and adaptable approach. By focusing on the client's experience and promoting the benefits of the full Pilates system, you can attract a diverse clientele and provide exceptional service.

Let’s continue to spread the power of Pilates through well-thought-out and client-focused studios.



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