MK Spirals Courses
MK Pilates Spirals Programmes is a license-free group movement class set to inspiring and motivating music chosen specifically for each individual section. This program is for everybody incorporating choreography that is designed to focus on specific styles of both dynamic stretching and stability challenges.
The movements focus on conditioning and stretching to create a toned, flexible, and efficient body. This program is for everybody and combines Pilates and stretch moves to give you the satisfaction of feeling you are challenging yourself. Using music to motivate and guide you will get results while having fun.
The class is split into two main elements: standing and floor work. Your first half of the class is standing then you move to the mat and then finally end the class standing again.
For any teacher, one of the challenges is to stay current and innovative at the same time for both your own and the class participant’s enjoyment and benefits. Spirals has been designed to keep you and your classes for years to come with already 14 individual programmes created and regular new releases in development all the time. With all the programmes sections interchangeable with each other your class variety is endless.
Each class programme we develop offers new music and choreographic combinations and movements to work with.

Certification Course
Spirals Instructor Course
If you are looking to train as a Spirals Teacher come join us as we have trained over 800 teachers worldwide to teach
MK Spirals Classes
Spirals Programmes
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If you would like a one to one converstation with us about your training needs please contact us